Categories: Fit Out

Signs That Indicate the Need for Office Relocation

Office relocation might be a difficult move but it can also help a company in many ways. For one, it represents a fresh start and it strengthens your organization, which will eventually lead to measurable rewards and benefits. But you have to think everything through to avoid various problems that might come with relocating.


To help you decide, we at Ellcad listed some points you should take note. Is it time for an office relocation or not? If by the end you find yourself gearing for an office relocation, you will definitely need the help of a reliable fit out contractor in the Philippines.


More Space Is Needed

When your business is growing, you can’t help but add new employees and extra facilities which are sure to take up space. Sometimes, employers do their best to work their way around by discarding office furniture like office steel cabinets or by investing on office partition panels just to make room, but the illusion of space can only do so much.


If there’s no enough space for workstations or meeting rooms in the office, then it’s most likely time to find a bigger area. Remember that a cramped space can affect employee productivity and client engagement. Imagine conducting meetings with your clients beside other employees because all your meeting rooms are used. Not only is it distracting, but also unprofessional.


To help you determine if your office space is still adequate, perform a survey among your employees about their working areas and ask for their honest opinions and suggestions. You also have to be aware of your client’s comments about your space because the office layout is also a factor in their investment decisions. Doing these will help you understand how great the need for additional space is.


Features Are Inadequate

You should know that even a large and nicely designed office won’t do any good if it lacks necessary features. If you have a bigger set of employees and more clients, it’s good to look into a relocation and to find a fit out contractor with effective fit out projects that will benefit both your clients and employees.


Besides the workstations, you have to make sure that the other parts of the office – like the kitchen, dining room, and lounging area – are sufficient and functional. The internet service, power supply, and parking space are also very significant so they should be available.


If there are problems that can be solved but are likely to recur to the point that they affect production, like flooding, then it’s best to be practical and plan for a relocation.


Take a good look at your office. Are the features still fit to the nature and standards of your company? If you feel that the office is ready to retire, then let it.


New Look for New Culture

Redesigning the office works in different ways. It could happen because of the sudden boom of the business, an unfortunate dip in growth, or a shift in industry. Whichever the case, having a new look is a great technique to revitalize the business.


There are offices in the Philippines which seek the services of a fit out contractor to work on their current space, but sometimes it’s best to just relocate and plan the fit out of the new place. This way you’ll be able to completely reinvent based on the nature of the company. It’s also best to get a bare shell unit because your present office space might have traces of former companies which you might not want.


Moving to a new location and updating modern standards will help you attract more clients. It’s also best to rebuild employee engagement because working in a new office is always refreshing and exciting!


Risks of Accidents

If an accident occurred in the office and someone got harmed because of faulty facilities, don’t prolong the relocation plans. Accidents could happen anytime and they can affect the business severely. When planning for your office relocation, you should also make sure that the furniture are comfortable and safe.


Unrepairable problems and problems that your company can’t afford to solve should also help you decide for the relocation. Your company might be standing on a dangerous terrain or it’s too close to an area that could cause accidents. Remember that the safety of your employees should be your company’s top priority.


Location Affects the Business

Sometimes, the problem isn’t the space and design but the location of the office. It’s an easily noticeable problem so don’t wait for it to get worse. If you’re not benefitting from your site, then begin searching for a new location. In relation to this, some of the most common problems that prompt a relocation are:

  • Cost of living
  • Travel time
  • Lack of your target market


Perhaps another prominent sign of a location problem is the lack of hiring professionals. This can greatly affect your business because growth is possible if there are competent employees working in your company. Do enough research to confirm that your target relocation area has a larger pool of talents that you need.


It’s More Affordable

You have to be practical for your business to be successful. If you find yourself in a dilemma where you can no longer afford the expenses for your current space, then it’s smart to look for a new one. Although it might be a downgrade from your recent office, it might be more ideal for the costs your company is willing to spend.


Preparing For the Move

Office relocation isn’t easy so do your best to prepare to make it hassle-free. When relocating, inspect the property carefully and make sure it complies well with the points mentioned earlier.


Furthermore, estimate how much your direct costs will be, as well as the revenue and productivity losses that will be generated because of the interruption of the business. It will give you a better grasp of your expenses and it will aid you in planning for cost-saving solutions.


Lastly, coordinate with your employees and prepare them by laying down the plans and delegating the necessary tasks for your office relocation. As a leader, you can also give talks or presentations to boost your employee’s morale because everyone – including you – is going to need them once the moving process rolls out.


If all the signs are pointing for you to start moving out of your office and transfer to a new location, then call a trusted fit out contractor in the Philippines to help you!
